-Fill out and submit THIS appointment policy forms ALL consent forms found under the RESOURCES tab of our website.
-ALL previous records are to be filled out and emailed/sent prior to visit. Please email records to reception@eivsvet.com
– All animals must be on a leash non-retractable or in a kennel upon arrival.
– Horses or any livestock must be on a halter and lead rope.
– If a patient attempts to bite a staff member or the doctor, we do hold the right for our safety and the patients to muzzle. If the patient is too fractious, we reserve the right to refer to a full care facility for further care. Please have animals that will be examined secured on a leash or in a crate.
– Please have horse(s) or other large animals caught and safely secured prior to our arrival.
– Please have the patient thoroughly brushed and remove mud and dirt prior to our arrival.
– The owner or representee must be present.
– Please call the office at 717-885-6482 or email us at contact@eivsvet.com to schedule a phone consultation.
– If your pet requires a physical exam please call, 717-885-6482 or email us at reception@eivsvet.com to schedule an appointment.
-Fill out and submit ALL new patient, consent and appointment policy forms found under the RESOURCES tab of our website.
-ALL previous records are to be filled out and emailed/sent prior to visit. Please email records to reception@eivsvet.com
–LESS THAN 48-HOUR CANCELLATION NOTICE is subject to a cancellation fee. If you need to cancel please contact us 48 hours in advance. Email reception@eivsvet.com or call 717-885-6482
–DEPOSIT FOR APPOINTMENT with an influx of new patients we are taking deposits in order to hold your appointment time. The deposit will be credited towards your appointment that day, but is NON-REFUNDABLE IF CANCELLED in less than 48 hours.
–NO SHOW without notice is subject to a full exam fee.
MONDAY– 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
TUESDAY– 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
WEDNESDAY – 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
THURSDAY– 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
FRIDAY– 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
–LESS THAN 48-HOUR CANCELLATION NOTICE is subject to a cancellation fee. If you need to cancel please contact us 48 hours in advance. Email reception@eivsvet.com or call 717-885-6482
–DEPOSIT FOR APPOINTMENT with an influx of new patients we are taking deposits in order to hold your appointment time. The deposit will be credited towards your appointment that day, but is NON-REFUNDABLE IF CANCELLED in less than 48 hours.
–NO SHOW without notice is subject to a full exam fee.